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Canine Influenza Virus (CIV)

With the Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) having been reported in dogs in 48 states, there have been numerous questions and concerns from our clients about this virus and about how to protect their pets.

CIV is a virus that affects the respiratory tract of dogs, causing symptoms that include cough, runny nose, lethargy, and fever. Rarely, life-threatening pneumonia may develop. Deaths from CIV are rare and tend to occur in very young, very old or otherwise debilitated dogs. CIV has not been seen to occur in cats or humans. 

Because there is no natural immunity to CIV in the dog population, exposed dogs tend to become infected and develop some form of illness when exposed to the virus. Dogs are most contagious during the period just before symptoms are apparent, making it difficult to prevent the spread of the virus.

A vaccination is available to protect animals from CIV. The initial vaccination is given as a two injection series with the vaccines given 2-4 weeks apart. Thereafter, it is given as an annual vaccination. It is important to understand that the vaccination does not completely protect animals from contracting CIV, but may lessen the severity and duration of symptoms in dogs that contract the virus.

Hoffman Animal Hospital requires the Canine Influenza Virus vaccine for dogs boarding or attending Doggie Daycare at our facility. If you have any questions concerning CIV, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Thank you!